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Fiction and Non-Fiction

Rosa Parks Beyond the Bus: Life, Lessons, and Leadership


God's Wisdom for Your Marriage


That Woman Can Preach: Contemporary Perspectives of Women Servant Leaders


50 Ways to Put Christ in Your Marriage and Live Happily Every Day: Forget the..


The 5 Love Languages Military Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts


While My Solider Serves: Prayers for Those with Loved Ones in the Military


Native Son: (Perennial Classics)


The IF in Life: How to Get Off Life's Sidelines and Become Your Best Self


Dream with Me: Race, Love, and the Struggle We Must Win


I am Number 8: Overlooked and Undervalued, but Not Forgotten by God


The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently


Listen My Son: Wisdom to Help African American Fathers
