“BACK TO BASICS: B.I.B.L.E. (BLESSINGS INSPIRING BELIEVERS TO LIVE ETERNALLY)” Primary TeacherVBS course study ages 6–8. In these five daily lessons, VBS Adventurers™ are on the case, discovering the truth...
“BACK TO BASICS: B.I.B.L.E. (BLESSINGS INSPIRING BELIEVERS TO LIVE ETERNALLY)” Record BookOne of the most important elements of every VBS is record keeping. Since most Vacation Bible Schools are evangelistically...
"BACK TO BASICS: B.I.B.L.E. (BLESSINGS INSPIRING BELIEVERS TO LIVE ETERNALLY)” SongbookThe songs featured in this book are suitable for the theme of our five-day course of study for Vacation Bible...
“FROM VISION TO REALITY: WINNING GOD’S WAY” Character GuideCheck out our VBS Adventurers™! Teachers can use these characters to illustrate the VBS lessons and Scriptures!
“FROM VISION TO REALITY: WINNING GOD’S WAY” Adult Student VBS course study ages 18 & older. On this five-day biblical journey, VBS AdventurersTM will embark on a Virtual Reality quest...