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Lessons for April 2023

Dr. LaDonna Boyd presents the April series is entitled “Experiencing the Resurrection,” and it has five lessons from the Gospels of Luke and John and the book of Acts that focus on Jesus’ appearances to His followers and the foundation of the early church. The lesson for April 2 explores Luke’s account of the women’s surprise encounter at the empty tomb and their attempts to convey the message to the disciples. The lesson for April 9 discusses Luke’s account of Easter Sunday where he tells of how the disciples came to believe in Jesus’ Resurrection. The lesson for April 16 concentrates on Jesus’ appearance to the disciples at the Sea of Galilee as told in John 21. The lesson for April 23 continues John’s account and records Jesus’ reinstatement of Peter. The final lesson on April 30 centers on the importance of waiting.  

God used Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection to redeem us from sin and death. In turn, Jesus calls men and women as witnesses to this good. He gives His witnesses the directive to go into the world and share this good news with others. 

Watch this month's video taught by Dr. LaDonna Boyd to learn more about these lessons and how we can be a testament to the salvation of God.


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