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A Gift To Strengthen You - July 11, 2021

Join us as Dr. LaDonna Boyd presents this week’s lesson entitled A Gift to Strengthen You. The lesson comes from the Adult Christian Life book, and the scriptural reference is Romans 1:8-17This lesson focuses on Paul’s letter to the members of the church in Rome. Paul describes his longing to travel to Rome to be with the church. He expressed his gratitude to God to tes­tify his affection to the Roman Christians and show that all are under God’s grace.

To follow along with the lesson, download your copy of Adult Christian Life HERE from the Kindle Store.

by Sharon Busbee on July 16, 2021

Your highlights weekly on the lessons has truly been a blessing to me. Thanks to RH Boyd staff for bringing the lesson weekly
To God be the Glory

by Michele on July 16, 2021

Hello. I appreciate the video of today’s lesson because I do not have a Sunday School book! Thank you for sharing YeHoVah’s word.😃


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