The ministry of Vacation Bible School is important in the life of a church. VBS affords a church a unique opportunity to reach out to the community. A successful VBS...
"In these five daily lessons, VBS Adventurers™ are on the case, discovering the truth and life of Jesus in this investigative journey of getting back to the basics of the...
“FROM VISION TO REALITY: WINNING GOD’S WAY” VBS backpack. This adventurers' drawstring bag is for VBS students to use to store crafts and other items as they go on their...
Use the paper round pin as a canvas for your own unique pin design! We recommend markers, colored pencils, and stickers. Decorating supplies sold separately. The pin pops apart for...
Our 21 1/2" x 3-ft. cardstock cutouts feature kids in motion! Decorate these cutouts and give each character on your classroom bulletin board some personality! With three different shapes for...